Contacting Electric Miles Support
About Electric Miles
- What is Electric Miles?
- Where is Electric Miles based?
- Why should I use Electric Miles?
- How can Electric Miles save me money?
- How does Electric Miles help the National Grid?
- How can Electric Miles help climate change?
Getting Started With Electric Miles
- How do I download the Electric Miles app?
- How do I use Plug & Charge mode on my charger?
- New EV Smart Charging Regulations (01/07/2022)
- How do I get set up on the Electric Miles app?
- How do I add or change my electricity tariff?
- Which chargers does Electric Miles support?
Zones and Multiple Users
- What is a Zone?
- How do I create a Zone?
- What are the steps to manage a Zone?
- How can I connect a charger?
- How do I configure my charger?
- What are the steps to share access to my charger?
How Do I Charge My EV?
- How to Boost/immediate charge?
- How to do manual schedule?
- What are the different options to charge my EV using Electric Miles?
- What does my charger mean by 'Suspended EVSE'?
- How do I charge my car immediately?
- I’m on a dual rate tariff, how do I charge during my off-peak hours?
Boost Charging
Manual Schedule Charge
Resolving Connection Issues
Resolving Charging Issues
Smart Charging
- How do I enable smart charging?
- How does smart off-peak work?
- How does Electric Miles know my smart charging information?
- How to activate Smart Charging with Energy preferences on a single tariff?
- How does smart charging work based on energy preferences on a single-rate tariff?
- How does smart charging work based on cost preferences on a single-rate tariff?
- I have an RFID-compatible charger, can I use it with the Electric Miles app?
- How can I pair my RFID card?
- How can I delete an RFID card from my account?
- I lost my card, what should I do?
- How to rename my RFID Card?
- Why can't I stop the charge session with my RFID Card?
Tariff and Tariff Compatibility
- Unable to locate Octopus Energy as an Energy Supplier?
- Which Energy Providers does Electric Miles accommodate?
- What tariffs does Electric Miles support?
- What to do if your tariff isn't found in the dropdown list?
- Will adding a tariff manually impact my Smart Charge, Charging Times, or Cost?
- Why should I add my tariff on the Electric Miles App?
Cable Lock
Solar Mode
- If I have Solar panels, can I use the Solar charging modes?
- What are the different solar charging modes?
- How do I set Solar Preferences for Solar charging?
- Can I use Solar Mode on Plug and charge mode?
- What are the meanings of the various charging modes for Solar Preferences?
- Why isn't my charger charging when set to solar?
History and charging statistics
- How can I see statistics related to my charging sessions?
- Why is there no cost indicated for my charging session?
- How can I download my charging data?
- How do I access more than the last 30 sessions of my charging session history?
- Why does my session appear as "Rejected" ?
- Why can't I see any charging history?